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Comparison of Various Prostate Treatment

The Present State of Prostate Disease Treatments

Prostate disease has been accepted as a disease that is hard to cure or had no cure. Currently most prostate disease treatments cannot meet patients' requirement for cure. There are many different treatments for prostate disease that are not very effective. Usually prescribed are antibiotics, physical therapy, prostate massage, anti-inflammation, pain relievers,muscle relaxants, plant extracts are used, a-adrenergic blocker,5α-reductase inhibitors, endocrine therapy, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgical therapy as a result. But both doctors and patients are not satisfied with the results from these prostate disease treatments. And these traditional treatment also cause many additional side effects.

Although, initially the patient’s subjective symptoms can be improved by adjustment of psychology, diet, body condition, and medication, overtime the patient’s actual condition often worsens because of the progression of the disease and the side effects of these medications.

3D Prostate Targeted Therapy

The 3D Prostate Targeted Therapy is the best prostate treatment in the world. Traditional treatment methods can do nothing to effectively treat the root causes of the disease, they can only treat surface symptoms. Therefore, once the treatment is stopped, your symptoms will soon be repeated or worse. Our 3D Prostate Treatment is a method that treats the root cause of the disease,so once you are cured, your symptoms will not relapse. 3D Prostate Targeted Treatment neither has any side effects, nor causes any damage to the prostate and other urogenital organs.

Our proprietary 3D natural targeted extracts can target specific prostatic diseased areas and allow effective ingredients to accumulate in the targeted prostatic diseased areas and form a higher therapeutic concentration, and it can avoid the side effects and resistance which are normally brought about by common prostate treatment drugs.

3D Targeted Therapy medicines are a powerful natural targeted extracts formula combined with a proprietary unblocking formula. The powerful natural targeted extracts formula combined with a proprietary unblocking formula can destroy the pathogens and pathogenic factors, discharge toxic compounds, and successfully treats various chronic prostate diseases. The natural targeted extracts have no side effects and no drug resistance. Patients who receive our treatments say they did not experience any significant pain. Their energy level, appetite, and sleep quality improve greatly. Also, they were able to see many toxic compounds being discharged in their urine during the treatment.

Our 3D Prostate Targeted Treatment is a scientific and natural therapy. It is highly efficient, safe, has short treatment periods, a consolidated cure effect, no significant pain, and no negative side effects. Patients who receive our 3D Prostate Targeted Treatment come to understand that our techniques, skills, and clinical experience are the best in the world. No other doctors or medical establishments in the world have achieved our high success rates. For example, the cure rate of 3D prostatitis treatment can reach 95%, while the traditional prostatitis treatment, their cure rate is less than 20%.

Traditional Prostate Treatment

Currently most traditional treatments cannot meet prostate disease patients' requirement for cure. There are many different treatments for prostate disease that are not very effective. These include:

1) Oral and systemic injection common prostate treatment drugs depend on a sufficient level of blood flow to the lesion tissue areas to be effective. In men, the prostate surface is well protected by a three-layer capsule. The prostatic capsules can prevent most of common prostate treatment drugs from going into the prostate; this is the reason why there is insufficient concentration of blood flow to allow oral and systemic injection common prostate treatment drugs to enter this gland effectively. Blockage forms as a result of prostate diseases. As blockage is there, even less concentration of blood flows to the lesion tissue areas. Therefore, oral and systemic injection medications become even less effective. The continuous use of oral and systemic injections common prostate treatment drugs will cause a host of problems including medication resistance, weakened immune system, and damaged stomach, intestines, liver and kidney functions, etc., which will make the condition more complicated and difficult to treat.

2) Some medicine (Saw palmetto, and some herbal medicine) and physical therapies, they may work on prostate enlargement, and improve the patients’ symptoms temporarily. But they can not do anything against pathogens, blockage and calcification. Because they can not eliminate pathogens and clear blockage and calcification, symptoms will return once the patient stopped them. Because the blockages and calcification will keep progressing, the patient’s symptoms may get worse after he stopped the medicine.

3) The two main medications for prostate disease are alpha blockers and 5α-reductase inhibitors. Alpha blockers are the most common choice for initial therapy in the USA and Europe. Alpha blockers relax and smooth the muscle in the prostate and the bladder neck, thus decreasing blockage of urine flow. Common side effects of alpha blockers include orthostatic hypotension, ejaculation changes, headache, nasal congestion, and general weakness. Side effects can also include erectile dysfunction. The 5α-reductase inhibitors are another treatment option. These medications inhibit 5a-reductase, which in turn inhibits production of DHT, a hormone responsible for enlarging the prostate. Effects may take longer to appear than alpha blockers, but they persist for many years. When used together with alpha blockers, a progression of BPH to acute urinary retention and surgery has been noted in patients with larger prostates. Side effects include decreased libido, feminization, and ejaculatory or erectile dysfunction.

4) Transurethral interventional fusion and surgery can remove some blockage and calcification near the operation site, and temporarily improve or eliminate symptoms. They can not do anything against other blockage and calcification which deeply located in the prostate and other part of urogenital tracts, and patients will have relapse. And these treatment also cause other additional side effects.

For example, transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) is still considered the gold standard for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) patients. Although it can significantly improve the urethral obstruction, but also can cause many additional side effects, such as can not ejaculation, urinary incontinence, the area around the surgery will form fiber sclerosis and calcification.

The following transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) picture clearly shows:


After receiving TURP, the patient's central region of the prostate has formed a cavity, the surrounding area has formed a lot of calcification and fibrosis sclerosis, and thus cause recurrent urethritis and prostatitis.


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