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Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a form of cancer that develops in the prostate and a gland in the male reproductive system. Most prostate cancers are slowly growing; however, there are also cases of aggressive prostate cancers. The cancer cells may metastasize (spread) from the prostate to other parts of the body, particularly the bones and lymph nodes. Prostate cancer may initially cause no symptoms, but in the later stages, it can cause pain, difficulty in urination, problems during sexual intercourse, erectile dysfunction, among other symptoms and ultimately, death.

The presence of prostate cancer may be indicated by symptoms, physical examination, prostate-specific antigen (PSA), digital rectal examination (DRE), trans-rectal ultrasound (TRUS), and pelvic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) examination.

The traditional treatments of the prostate cancer include active surveillance, surgery, radiation therapy (including proton therapy), chemotherapy, hormone therapy, or the comprehensive use of the above-mentioned ones. The traditional treatments are only to treat prostate tumor, and those methods can do nothing to effectively treat the causes of prostate cancer. The traditional treatments may have serious side effects, inhibit and destroy the patient's holistic health and ecological environment, and make the original disease easily repeat. 

3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Therapy is the perfect combination of Traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM has a history of thousands of years ) and modern western precision medicine. 3D Therapy treats not only prostate tumor, but also the cause of the prostate cancer, and improves and restores the patient's holistic health and ecological environment, so once you are cured, your original disease will not easily relapse. Most therapeutic drugs are natural herbal extracts. These natural herbal extracts have no side effects and no drug resistance.

The Cause of Prostate Cancer

Through a large number of case studies and the long-term clinical researches, we have found the prostate cancer is usually caused by various causative pathogens and prostatic toxins, normal cellular DNA damage and GENE mutation, thereby activating prostate proto-oncogene and inactivated prostate tumor suppressor gene.

1) Causative pathogens include: bacteria, chlamydia, mycoplasma, viruses, fungus, and parasites, etc. We have found there are one or more specific pathogens for all prostate cancer in the development process. Some causative pathogens (like virus, fungus, chlamydia, etc.) can directly damage the prostate cells, and raise the prostatic specific antigen( PSA) levels and may have a close relationship with prostate cancer.

2) Prostatic toxins refers to harmful substances within the prostate. Prostatic toxins is divided into exotoxin and endotoxin. Exotoxin refers to external environment pollution, such as, air pollution, water pollution, and food pollution. Environment pollution brings harmful chemical materials, such as heavy metal cadmium can lead to prostate cancer. Endotoxin refers to harmful products created in the human body during the process of metabolism. These harmful products include: lactic acid, ketone acid, uric acid, and free radicals. Prostatic endotoxin also includes: biological toxins produced by pathogenic micro-organisms, excess fat, and old and dead cells within the prostate.

3) The poor holistic health and ecological environment include immune dysfunction, endocrine hormonal dysfunction, blood circulation dysfunction, liver and kidney dysfunctions, digestive dysfunction, and mental dysfunction, etc. When the holistic health and ecological environment are poor , the body can’t find and clean away the carcinogenic pathogens and toxins in time, It causes DNA damage and gene mutation in normal cells, thereby activating prostate proto-oncogene and inactivated prostate tumor suppressor genes, which are the basis of prostate malignant tumors.

Prostate Cancer Symptoms

It is important to note that early prostate cancer usually causes no symptoms, however, sometimes, it does and these are often similar to diseases like benign prostatic hyperplasia. They include frequent urination, nocturia (increased urination at night), difficulty starting and maintaining a steady stream of urine, hematuria (blood in the urine), and dysuria (painful urination.
Prostate cancer is associated with urinary dysfunction as the prostate gland surrounds the prostatic urethra. Changes within the gland, therefore, directly affect urinary function. Because the vas deferens deposits seminal fluid into the prostatic urethra, and secretions from the prostate gland itself are included in semen content, prostate cancer may also cause problems with sexual function and performance, such as difficulty achieving erection or painful ejaculation.

Advanced prostate cancer can spread to other parts of the body, possibly causing additional symptoms. The most common is bone pain, often in the vertebrae (bones of the spine), pelvis, or ribs. Spread of cancer into other bones such as the femur is usually to the proximal part of the bone. Prostate cancer in the spine can also compress the spinal cord, causing leg weakness and urinary and fecal incontinence.

What Is Metastatic Prostate Cancer

If your prostate cancer spreads to other parts of your body, that it's "metastatic" or that your cancer has "metastasized."

There are two types of metastatic prostate cancer:

1)Local metastasis: Prostate cancer with local metastasis means that the cancer has spread to other organs within the pelvis. This usually means the local lymph nodes, but can include any organ or structure in the pelvis.

2)Distant metastasis: Distant metastasis means that the prostate cancer has spread beyond the pelvis. The bones, spine, brain, liver, and lungs are common sites of cancer metastasis.

It's still prostate cancer, even when it spreads. For example, metastatic prostate cancer in a bone in your hip is not bone cancer. It has the same prostate cancer cells the original tumor had.

Metastatic prostate cancer is an advanced form of cancer. There's no cure, but you can treat it and control it.

Why The Prostate Cancer Is Prone To Bone Metastasis?

The symptoms of prostate cancer at the early stage are not too obvious, with about 30% of patients having had the cancer spread at the time of their diagnosis, and 70% of them having had bone metastases, which usually occurs in multiple parts, with only 10% of the metastatic patients in a single part.

Bone metastasis occurs mostly in the middle axle bone, such as the vertebrae and pelvis, accounting for about 80% of bone metastasis, followed by ribs, femur, and humerus.

The Clinical data show that in our body, every gram of tumor tissues can release 3 to 4 million cancer cells into the blood per day, but most of them will be cleared away by immune cells in the blood. On the one hand, the bone has very rich blood circulation, and on the other hand, the arteries and veins of the bone are widely matched; and the diameter of the vein network is also large with fast blood supply, so the cancer cells easily enter the bone cavity. Most of bone metastases occur in the red bone marrow of the central axis, where the blood flow is abundant and slow, so cancer cells that are not cleared away by immune cells tend to stay in these parts, forming metastases.

1) The first symptom of bone metastasis of prostate cancer is most of patients will have bone pain as long as bone metastasis occurs, and this pain will continue to be dull and painful, so the daily life of the patients will be affected.

2) The second symptom of bone metastasis of prostate cancer is cancer cells will destroy the hematopoietic stem cells of red blood marrow, and patients will have such symptoms as anemia, weight loss, low fever, fatigue, and loss of appetite, etc.

3) The third symptom of bone metastasis of prostate cancer is after the patient has bone metastasis, the cancer cells will erode the bone little by little, and the bone will become more and more fragile, prone to have pathological fracture. Fracture has a significant relationship with the bone metastase lesion accounting for the proportion/size of bone diameter. When the bone metastasis lesions are more than 2/3 of the bone diameter, the incidence of fractures can reach 81%. If the cancer cells get further transferred, they will be spread to the spine, and the collapse of the centrum will cause the symptom of spinal cord to be compressed, which makes treatment become very difficult.

Metastatic Prostate Cancer Complications

Advanced prostate cancer can cause many other health problems depending on where the cancer has spread to and how quickly it is spreading.

1) Urinary problems: Cancerous growths can press on the bladder, urethra, or other pelvic organs. Prostate cancer can also spread to those organs and cause urinary retention, blood in the urine, incontinence, and difficulties emptying the bladder.

2) Bowel problems: Advanced prostate cancer can cause bowel problems, such as constipation, diarrhea, urgency, obstruction, and incontinence. This is often due to the use of pain medications, or the spread of prostate cancer to the bowel or rectum. Dietary changes, dehydration, and inactivity can also cause bowel problems.

3) Sexual problems: It is not uncommon for men with advanced prostate cancer to have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection. Some men also have decreased libido or an inability to ejaculate.

4) Bone pain or fractures: Prostate cancer that has spread to the bones can cause significant bone pain. It can also weaken the bones, making a person susceptible to breaks and fractures.

5) Hypercalcemia: Calcium is stored in the bones but can leak out into the blood if prostate cancer spreads to the bones. High levels of calcium in the blood can cause fatigue, increased thirst or need to urinate, nausea and vomiting, constipation, and loss of appetite.

6) Anemia: Anemia means a decrease in the number of red blood cells that are available to carry oxygen throughout the body. This can lead to severe fatigue, shortness of breath, and looking pale. It is usually caused by cancer that has spread to the bone marrow but can also be a side effect of cancer treatments.

7) Lymphedema: Prostate cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes can cause blockages within the vessels that transport lymph around the body. This causes swelling in the legs or scrotum.

Prostate Cancer Clinical Diagnosis

Clinical diagnosis of prostate cancer mainly rely on Digital Rectal Examination (DRE), serum Prostate specific antigen (PSA) test , Trans-Rectal Ultrasound (TRUS), Prostate Biopsy,and pelvic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) examination.

Normally a PSA>4 ug/L result is the critical value that is used to screen prostate cancer. When the PSA result is between 4 to 10ug/L, it is called the grey area, it can indicate prostate cancer or prostate enlargement. When the PSA result is over 10ug/L, the possibility of prostate cancer is almost certain. When checked by digital rectal examination (DRE) and transrectal ultrasound, and prostate nodules are detected, and PSA is over 10ug/L, a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) examination is required to diagnose or exclude prostate cancer.

Prostate Biopsy: We are opposed to the transrectal prostate biopsy. We often find that these patients had transrectal prostate biopsy, their prostate growth very quickly. The doctors often do the transrectal prostate biopsy. The biopsy is done directly through the rectum guided by ultrasound. The transrectal prostate biopsy is (1) very painful, (2) have the danger of introducing new bacteria into the prostate, (3) damage rectal tissue, create rectal fissures, intestinal toxins will enter the prostate gland, (4) damage the prostate, and cause fibrous indurations, etc.

Prostate Cancer Staging

There are two schemes commonly used to stage prostate cancer. The most common is promulgated by the American Joint Committee on Cancer, and is known as the TNM system, which evaluates the size of the tumor, the extent of involved lymph nodes, and any metastasis (distant spread) and also takes into account the cancer grade. As with many other cancers, these are often grouped into four stages (I–IV). Another scheme, often still used by clinicians, is the Whitmore-Jewett stage. Briefly, Stage I disease is cancer that is found incidentally in a small part of the sample when prostate tissue was removed for other reasons, such as benign prostatic hypertrophy, and the cells closely resemble normal cells and the gland feels normal to the examining finger. In Stage II more of the prostate is involved and a lump can be felt within the gland. In Stage III, the tumor has spread through the prostatic capsule and the lump can be felt on the surface of the gland. In Stage IV disease, the tumor has invaded nearby structures, or has spread to lymph nodes or other organs.

3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Therapy Effectively Treats Various Stages Of Prostate Cancer

3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Therapy is an advanced non-surgical method to effectively treats various stages of prostate cancer without any side effects. Most therapeutic medicines are natural targeted extracts with no side effects and no drug resistance. Natural targeted extracts can target specific diseased areas and allow effective ingredients to accumulate in the targeted diseased areas and form a higher therapeutic concentration. 3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Therapy treats the root factors of prostate cancer. Once cured, the patient’s disease will not easily relapse.

Prostate cancer can be divided into two types:

Non-metastatic prostate cancer that does not break through the prostate capsule. For patients with non-metastatic prostate cancer,  PSA is usually less than 10ug/L. Their treatment can rely on 3D natural targeted extracts therapy alone, without the need to combine other therapies.

Metastatic prostate cancer that breaks through the prostate capsule. Metastatic prostate cancer is a complex aging disease, it may be the result of multiple pathogenic factors such as endocrine hormone disorder, chronic inflammation, low immunity, internal environment disorder, etc. PSA is usually greater than 10ug/L, and the age of the patient Usually older than 55 years old. In addition to relying on 3D natural targeted extracts therapy, the treatment of these patients also needs to be combined with other therapies.

Both types of prostate cancer have prostate inflammation, so the treatment of prostate cancer should include the treatment of prostate inflammation.

3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Therapy medicines include a anti-cancer natural targeted extracts formula, and a powerful anti-inflammatory natural targeted extracts formula combined with a proprietary unblocking formula. Particularly complex conditions need to be combined with other drugs.

The anti-cancer natural targeted extracts are composed of dozens of natural Chinese herbal medicines by using modern biotechnology to extract effective anti-cancer ingredients. The anti-cancer natural targeted extracts contain a variety of the interacted anti-cancer bioactive components, including flavonoid glycosides, diterpenoids, triterpenoids, polysaccharides, ursolic acid, lignans , Ginsenoside Rg3, and the like. The studies have shown that they have anti-cancer effects on multiple sites and multiple target points, such as inhibiting the activity of proto-oncogenes, activating the activity of tumor suppressor genes, and repairing the damaged genes and DNA, etc. so that patients can treat prostate cancer at home.

The natural anti-cancer targeted extracts are suitable for the treatment of various stages of prostate cancer. The natural targeted extracts have neither side effects nor drug resistance. When complex prostate cancer patients need to be treated with severe side effects such as surgery, hormones, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, their bodies will become weak. If the patients also take oral 3D anti-cancer natural targeted extracts, it can greatly Reduce and eliminate the side effects of these therapies, making your body weak and recover quickly.

3D Targeted Treatment methods are topical therapy combined with systemic therapy. Topical therapy include local injection therapy, and rectal administration therapy, systemic therapy includes oral administration therapy, and intravenous drip therapy . Local injection therapy needs to come to the 3D Urology Clinic. Generally speaking, oral administration therapy requires the longest treatment time, but it is also the most convenient and cheapest option. The local injection therapy in the 3D Urology Clinic requires the shortest treatment time, but it is also the most inconvenient and most expensive option. Currently we recommend the most cost-effective option is self-managed oral administration therapy combined with rectal administration therapy. The treatment course and method of 3D Targeted Therapy will be based on your condition and doctor’s treatment plan.


3D Targeted Therapy is divided into two modes: 3D Targeted Therapy at the clinic, and 3D Targeted Therapy at home. Currently we can only provide 3D Targeted Therapy in the patient's home under the guidance of a 3D treatment doctor. The main treatment method of 3D Targeted Therapy at home is self-managed oral administration therapy combined with rectal administration therapy.

3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Therapy and/or combination therapy indications include:

1) Suitable for  various stages of prostate cancer, prostate cancer combined with prostatitis, enlarged prostate.

2) Prostate cancer patients with the position of prostate tumor protrudes into the bladder, and can not urinate autonomously or use catheter for a long time. It is recommended that these patients receive transurethral reservation of prostate (TURP) or holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP), together with oral natural targeted extracts.

We have a effective rate of more than 95% for treating prostate cancer. The treatment course and methods will be based on your condition and doctor’s treatment plan. The course of treatment of natural targeted extracts for oral therapy is generally 6 -12 months, The course of treatment for non-metastatic prostate cancer is 6 months, and the course of treatment for metastatic prostate cancer is 12 months.

Our clinic's recommended plan for self-managed 3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment at home include:

1) Oral the natural targeted extracts for 6-12 months. The natural targeted extracts
include anti-cancer natural targeted extracts, and anti-inflammatory natural targeted extracts combined with a proprietary unblocking formula. The course of treatment for non-metastatic prostate cancer is 6 months, and the course of treatment for metastatic prostate cancer is 12 months.

2) Rectal infusion of the natural targeted extracts and/or other medicines for 6 months. The natural targeted extracts
include anti-cancer natural targeted extracts, and anti-inflammatory natural targeted extracts combined with a proprietary unblocking formula.

3) Prostate cancer patients with the position of prostate tumor protrudes into the bladder, and can not urinate autonomously or use catheter for a long time. It is recommended that these patients receive transurethral reservation of prostate (TURP) or holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP), together with oral natural targeted extracts.

3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment Program At Home

Currently we can only provide 3D Targeted Therapy in the patient's home under the guidance of a 3D treatment doctor. The 3D Targeted Treatment at home program is as follows:

1) First, the patient needs to fill out the following medical history questionnaire. Please answer the questionnaire questions as best as possible and sent it via email to prostatecure3d@gmail.com  ,and all your information will remain confidential.


2) When we receive your completed questionnaire, our doctor will study your condition and make a treatment plan. We will send you the treatment plan provided by our clinic, medical services modes and prices options, and other informations that can help you.

3)  Please confirm your treatment plan, medical service mode and price option with our clinic, and start paying the necessary medical expenses.

4) Our 3D treatment doctor is responsible for your 3D targeted treatment at home for the entire course of treatment. This includes doctor consultation; medical history investigation; arranging laboratory test items; assessing your condition; making treatment plans and methods; formulating a natural targeted extracts formula suitable for your condition; and providing therapeutic medicines including a powerful natural targeted extracts formula combined with a proprietary unblocking formula. In addition, our practicing physician and translators will provide you with consulting services and online guidance at any time, manage your treatment plan throughout the process, and regularly evaluate your condition and treatment effects.

Some Successful Clinical Cases of 3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment 

Case 1 - Mr. John Kennedy from USA

Mr. John Kennedy was diagnosed as having prostate cancer. In 2016, his PSA test was higher than 40 ng/ml, and MRI showed that he had prostate cancer. After received Dr. Song's 6 weeks of 3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment in October 2016, MRI showed his prostate cancer lesions have disappeared. Mr. John Kennedy’ symptoms get obvious improvement and the overall condition has got significant improvement.

The prostate cancer MRI check (for Mr. John Kennedy):

1) Before receiving 3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment:

The authoritative hospital’s prostate cancer MRI check in september 2016.

He 1st MRI detected a nodule 16 X 10mm , a cancerous lesion 15 X 11 X 14mm near the center of the prostate. (2016-9-07-before treatment).

2) After receiving 3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment:


After received Dr. Song’s 6 weeks of 3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment, MRI showed his prostate cancer lesions have disappeared in July 2017. Mr. John Kennedy’ symptoms get obvious improvement and the overall condition has got significant improvement.

Mr. John Kennedy's video testimonial

Please click on this picture and enter the video link:

Case 2 - Mr. Lins from New Zealand

Mr. Lins was diagnosed as having prostate cancer through prostate biopsy and MRI examination in New Zealand.

Before 3D prostate Targeted Treatment, Lindsay had prostate cancer metastasis which broke through the prostate capsule and spread to the rectum,in which a 2cm*1cm tumor was formed. His prostate size was 50cc and the prostate cancerous lesion was 3.1cm x 1.9cm in size. His main symptoms were discomfort and pressure feeling in the prostate and the inner sides of the thighs.

After 6 weeks course of 3D prostate cancer treatment, The authoritative hospital’s prostate cancer MRI check report shows the prostate size and morphology return to normal. In the course of the treatment, Mr. Lins discharged a large amount of carcinogenic material and the discomfort and pressure feeling in the prostate and the inner sides of the thighs reduced. His overall condition, energy, appetite, and sleep get significant improvement.


Case 3 - Mr. Barry Saunders form Australian

Mr. Barry Saunders was diagnosed as having prostate cancer by prostate biopsy in Australia and his main symptoms were urination difficulty at times, discomfort in the low abdomen, and sexual dysfunction.

After received Dr. Song's 4 weeks of 3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment in march 2017, MRI showed his prostate cancer lesions have disappeared. Mr. Barry Saunders’ symptoms get obvious improvement and the overall condition has got significant improvement.

The prostate cancer MRI check (for Mr. Barry):

1) Before receiving 3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment

The Australia hospital’s prostate cancer MRI before treatment ,Mr. Barry was diagnosed as having prostate cancer in Australia.

2) After receiving 3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment

The authoritative hospital’s prostate cancer MRI recheck after treatment in china No obvious abnormality is seen in the Prostate scanning + Enhancement MR.

Mr. Barry Saunders's video testimonial

Please click on this picture and enter the video link:

Case 4 - Mr. John Harrison from UK

Mr. John Harrison has prostate cancer family history. His main symptoms are contraction and suppression feeling in the rectal and perineal areas. Mr. John Harrison has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and had prostate removed in 2008. In 2015, doctor in UK confirmed the recurrence of his prostate cancer after surgery.

After received Dr. Song’s 4 weeks of 3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment, MRI showed his prostate cancer lesions have disappeared. Mr. John Harrison’ symptoms get obvious improvement and the overall condition has got significant improvement.

The prostate cancer MRI check (for J. Harrison):

1) Before receiving 3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment

Mr. John Harrison has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and had prostate removed in 2008. In 2015, doctor in UK confirmed the recurrence of his prostate cancer after surgery.

2) After receiving 3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment


The authoritative hospital’s prostate cancer MRI recheck after treatment in china No obvious abnormality is seen in the Prostate scanning + Enhancement MR .

Case 5- Mr.Dave from UK

Mr.Dave was diagnosed as having prostate cancer through MRI examination in UK.

Before treatment, the British MRI Examination Report found multiple obvious tumor lesions in the left and right lobes of the prostate and 45ml of the prostate volume.

After received Dr. Song’s 6 weeks of 3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment, the authoritative hospital’s prostate cancer MRI check report shows the prostate volume shrinks to 27 ml and finds no cancerous lesions. 


Update - Half a year after the treatment

Mr. Mr.Dave did two times MRI rechecks half one year after the the treatment. MRI show his cancer lesion complete disappear. Now his overall condition gets great improvement.

Case 6- Mr. Tan from Singapore

Mr. Tan was diagnosed as having prostate cancer through prostate biopsy and PET-CT in Singapore. His PSA test was higher than 98 ng/ml.

After received Dr. Song’s 6 weeks of 3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment, the MRI recheck has found no prostate cancer signals. For abnormal signal and pathological tissue, it is considered to be BPH. His prostate texture and size get significantly improvement with no obvious pressing pain. No obvious lump is touched. During the treatment, many prostate blockage materials and toxins have been released and his spirits and overall condition get obvious improvement.

Comparison of Various Prostate Cancer Treatment

3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment is the perfect combination of traditional Chinese medicine and modern western precision medicine. 3D Targeted Treatment treats not only prostate tumor, but also the cause of the prostate cancer, and improves and restores the patient's holistic health and ecological environment, so once you are cured, your original disease will not easily relapse. 

The traditional treatments of the prostate cancer include active surveillance, surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, or the comprehensive use of the above-mentioned ones. As to the most suitable treatment, patients should consider the extent of tumor invasion (also called the stage), the malignant degree of the cancer cells, PSA concentration in the blood, etc. At the same time, the patients must consider their age, physical fitness, and respect their choice. In addition, the traditional treatment is only to treat prostate tumor, which can do nothing to effectively treat the causes of prostate cancer, and may have serious side effects, inhibit and destroy the patient's holistic health and ecological environment, so the original disease is easily repeated. People must find a balance between efficacy and quality of life when they choose a treatment. 

1) 3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment has many superior features, and the most obvious one is its degree of non-invasiveness and the use of medicines which cause no side-effects. It is a superior and proven treatment protocol for prostate cancer.

Our 3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment is a scientific and natural therapy. It is highly efficient and safe, and it has a short treatment period and a consolidated cure effect with no significant pain nor negative side effects. Our 3D Prostate Cancer Treatment is a method that treats prostate tumor and the cause of prostate cancer, and improves and restores the patient's holistic health and ecological environment, so once you are cured, your original disease will not easily relapse. 3D Prostate Targeted Treatment neither has any side effects, nor causes any damage to the prostate and holistic health.

3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment is suitable to various types of prostate cancer patients including ones who have received other prostate cancer treatments before but failed. Patients who received our treatments say they have not had experience any significant pain. Their energy level, appetite, and sleep quality get improved greatly. Also, they were able to see many carcinogenic materials being discharged in their urine during the treatment.

2) Surgery:

The prostatectomy is an operation which doctors remove the prostate, while the radical prostatectomy is to remove the prostate as well as the surrounding tissues.

The radical prostatectomy is commonly used in the early stage of prostate cancer or to patients who have poor radiotherapy effect, and it is rather effective to patients whose tumor is confined in the prostate; however, during the surgery, it is inevitable that some nerves, vessels and other tissues get injured, affecting patients’ life quality, and the most common complications are erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence. In addition, the surgery can’t eliminate the etiological factors of prostate cancer, nor improve the patient's holistic health and ecological environment. Therefore, about half of the patients will get a relapse in 5-10 years after surgery.

3) Radiation therapy includes the proton therapy: by using high-energy rays (similar to X-rays) to kill the cancer. There are two types of the radiation therapy-external radiation therapy and internal radiation therapy (brachytherapy). For the former, it is a machine outside the body that directs radiation at the cancer cells; for the latter, it is the radioactive seeds or pellets that are surgically placed into or near the cancer to destroy the cancer cells.

The radiation therapy is commonly used in the early stage of prostate cancer, or used as the adjuvant treatment for the already spread prostate cancer. The long-term adverse effects of the radiotherapy include radioactive enteritis, radioactive cystitis, radioactive prostatitis, and erectile dysfunction. In addition, the radiation therapy can’t remove the etiological factors of prostate cancer, nor improve the patient's holistic health and ecological environment. Therefore, about half of the patients will get a relapse in 5-10 years after the radiation therapy.

4) Hormone therapy:

It includes the surgical removal of the testicles and the anti-androgen medicine treatment. It is commonly used to improve the symptoms of the patients whose prostate cancer has spread and been at the late stage, but it cannot prolong their survivals. It is also used as the adjuvant therapy for patients who have undergone the radiotherapy or surgery.

The hormone therapy can’t eliminate cancerous cells that finally can’t cure prostate cancer. After 1 to 2 years, the cancer will be resistant to hormone therapy. In addition, hormone therapy could not eliminate the etiological factors of prostate cancer nor improve the patient's holistic health and ecological environment. Therefore, after stopping the treatment, the patient will get a relapse soon. The side effects of the hormone therapy include anemia, hot flashes, osteoporosis, decreased muscle strength, cardiovascular side effects, breast feminization, sexual dysfunction, mental decline, mental disorders, and mental depression, etc.

5) Chemotherapy:

It is to use special drugs to shrink or kill the cancer. The drugs can be pills you take or medicines given through your veins, or, sometimes, both.
Chemotherapy is normally suitable to the hormone independent prostate cancer patients. The clinical studies have shown that chemotherapy can prolong patients’ survival period and control symptoms, while its main side effects are the decrease of immunity, the inhibition of bone marrow, damages of liver and kidney functions, and gastrointestinal toxicity, etc. In addition chemotherapy can not eliminate the cause of prostate cancer nor improve the patient’s holistic health and ecological environment. Therefore, the patient will relapse easily after stopping this treatment.
The main manifestations of the failure of tumor therapy are tumor metastasis and its recurrence. New research suggests that some common tumor cells evolve into cancer stem cells after DNA gets damaged from chemotherapy or radiotherapy, and this is the underlying cause of cancer therapy failure.

6) Biological therapy:

It works with your body's immune system to help it fight against cancer or to control side effects from other cancer treatment. For the side effects, it is how your body reacts to drugs or other treatment.
Biological therapy includes monoclonal antibodies, vaccines, gene therapy, and somatic cell immunotherapy, etc. Most of these treatments are currently in the clinical research stage which have not been approved by national FDA (Food and Drug Administration).

7) Complementary and Alternative Medicines:

Complementary and alternative medicines are medicines and health practices that are not standard cancer treatments. Complementary medicine is used besides standard treatments, and the alternative medicine is used instead of standard treatments. Meditation, yoga, and supplements like vitamins and herbs are some examples. Most of the complementary and alternative medicines have not side effects but improve the patient's holistic health and ecological environment which can be regarded as the adjuvant treatment of prostate cancer. However, the complementary and alternative medicines can’t clean away the etiological factors of prostate cancer and the cancerous cells, therefore, they can’t cure prostate cancer.

8) Chinese Medicine Treatment:

Traditional Chinese medicine treatment is suitable to various types of prostate cancer with less side effects, and it is currently mainly regarded as the adjuvant treatment for other treatments to reduce side effects from the radiotherapy and chemotherapy. The principle of treating cancer in traditional Chinese medicine is Fuzheng and Quxie, which means TCM is used to treat cancer by improving the patient's holistic health and ecological environment, strengthening the ability to resist disease. At the same time, TCM uses some herbal medicines to inhibit and kill cancer cells. The disadvantage of TCM treatment is the lack of precision in the treatment of local tumor and cancer cells. Therefore, Chinese medicines has a longer course for cancer treatment. 3D Prostate Cancer Targeted Treatment is the perfect combination of traditional Chinese medicine and modern western precision medicine. Through using the liposomal carrier and Targeted Treatment technique, the problem that anti-cancerous herbal medicine is lack of precision is solved.

The Relationship Between PSA and Prostate Cancer

Cancer screening means looking for cancer before it causes symptoms. At present, many medical institutions mainly use PSA to screen prostate cancer. Normally a PSA>4 ug/L result is the critical value that is used to screen prostate cancer. When the PSA result is between 4 to 10ug/L, it is called the grey area, it can indicate prostate cancer or prostate enlargement. When the PSA result is over 10ug/L, the possibility of prostate cancer is almost for certain. 

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is a specific protein of about 34,000 molecules compounded and secreted by prostatic epithelial cells to the seminal fluid and it is one of the main components of seminal plasma. “PSA can decompose the colloidal protein in the seminal fluid, and it plays a role in diluting the seminal fluid. If PSA secretion is too low, the liquefaction time of seminal fluid will increase, causing male infertility. Therefore, PSA is a normal physiological substance secreted by human prostatic acinus and epithelial cells of prostatic ducts. PSA is not a carcinogenic substance.
In a normal prostatic ductal system, there exists a vascular-epithelial barrier and prostate envelop barrier. These barriers prevent the PSA produced by the prostate epithelium from directly entering the blood. Thus, a low concentration of serum PSA is maintained. A PSA less than 4.0 nanogram is considered normal. 

The prostatic vascular-epithelial barrier and prostate envelop barrier directly affect serum PSA levels. Malignant and non-malignant pathological changes that damage the prostate vascular-epithelial barrier and prostate envelop barrier can cause serum PSA elevation.Prostate cancer often causes malignant pathological changes to occur. “At the first and second clinical stages of prostate cancer, if the prostate cancer does not damage the prostate vascular-epithelial barrier nor prostate envelop barrier, the serum PSA concentration will usually remain within the normal range or will not rise higher than 10 nanograms. At the third and fourth clinical stages of prostate cancer, the prostate tumor damages the prostate vascular-epithelial barrier and prostate envelop barrier, causing the serum PSA dramatically elevation. If the prostate cancer severely damages the prostate vascular-epithelial barrier and prostate envelop barrier, the barriers can not be restored. In this case, the reduction of the serum PSA concentration is slow or does not reduce continuously after the prostate cancer cells and tumors are effectively killed and cleared away.

Non-malignant pathological changes include prostatitis, BPH, acute urinary retention, ejaculation, prostate massage, prostate biopsy, and trans-urethral resection of the prostate. If the non-malignant pathological changes have affected and damaged the prostate vascular-epithelial barrier and prostate envelop barrier, the changes can cause an increase in serum PSA concentration. “If the non-malignant lesions are broken down and cleared away without severe damage to the barriers, the barriers can recover quickly. The serum PSA concentration should gradually return to normal.

The concentration of PSA compounded and secreted by the prostatic epithelial cells, is controlled by the endocrine hormones. The prostate contains abundant sexual hormone receptors. Any factor affecting the pituitary gland, adrenal gland, and testis axis that causes endocrine hormone disorder can affect the serum PSA concentration.

Most patients with metastatic prostate cancer have had endocrine hormone disorders, and their prostate vascular-epithelial barrier and prostate envelop barrier have got serious damage that it is very difficult to recover. Even though the prostatic cells and tumors are effectively killed and cleaned away, the concentration of serum PSA can not be restored to normal.

Our Latest Research on The Treatment of Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer is a systemic disease and its treatment is a systems engineering, it needs the combination of multi-specialty and multi-discipline in theory and practice. In addition, patients should have a full understanding of their own diseases, abandon some traditional misconceptions, avoid the influence of all adverse factors that have carcinogenic effects, including some traditional treatments with many side effects, completely change unhealthy lifestyles, and re-establish and develop healthy internal environment and all positive factors that have anti-cancer effects.

In the process of prostate cancer research and treatment, and in combination with the latest evidence in the world, we propose the following new theories of prostate cancer treatment,

1) Proto-oncogene and tumor suppressor genes

Each person has proto-oncogenes and a tumor suppressor genes in the body, and both the proto-oncogene and the tumor suppressor gene are genes that play an important role in cell growth, proliferation and regulation. A tumor is essentially a genetic disease. Various environmental and genetic carcinogenic factors cause normal cellular DNA damage, thereby activating oncogenes and/or inactivated tumor suppressor genes, plus damage apoptosis-regulating genes, and DNA repairing genes, which are the basis of malignant tumors.

The proto-oncogene refers to an oncogene that is present in the genome of a biological normal cell. Under normal circumstances, the proto-oncogene is in a low or no expression state and plays an important physiological role. The proteins encoded by proto-oncogene are mostly cell growth factors and growth factor receptors important for normal cell growth, such as PGF, FGF, EGF, TK, STAT, and CDK, etc.

The tumor suppressor gene is a gene that inhibits cell growth in normal cells and has a potential tumor suppressor effect. The tumor suppressor gene plays a very important negative regulatory role in controlling cell growth, proliferation and differentiation. The tumor suppressor gene and the proto-oncogene restrict each other and maintain the relative stability of the positive and negative regulatory signals.

However, under the action of certain carcinogens, the proto-oncogene can be activated and transformed into an oncogene, which induces the cells to become cancerous. Under the action of carcinogen, when the inactivation of tumor suppressor gene occurs, malignant transformation of cells can be caused, thus leading to the occurrence of tumor.

There are many types of proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. The proto-oncogene family includes the ras gene family, the myc gene family, the src gene family, the sis gene family, and the myb gene family. At present, more than 100 kinds of tumor suppressor genes have been discovered, and the most common ones are genes such as Rb, P53, APC and nm23. Therefore, the activation of the different proto-oncogenes and/or the inactivation of the tumor suppressor genes can lead to the occurrence and metastasis of different types of malignant tumors.

The strength of proto-oncogenes and the power of tumor suppressor genes maintain a balance in good health. However, under the action of carcinogen, the power of proto-oncogenes will become stronger, while the power of tumor suppressor genes will become weaker. The physical, chemical, and biological factors that induce cells to become cancerous are known as the carcinogens. Carcinogen is the "key" to initiate the growth of cancer cells. The more "keys" there are, the greater chance malignant tumors occur and metastasize.

Therefore, targeting the treatment of malignant tumors and metastatic cancer, the multi-site, multiple gene-targeted medicines should be designed to inhibit the proto-oncogenes, activate the tumor suppressor genes, and repair the damaged apoptosis-regulating genes and DNA repair genes. In this regard, some studies have demonstrated that natural herbal extracts have a very safe gene-targeted therapeutic effect.

In addition, we still have to eliminate various carcinogens as much as possible, inhibit carcinogenicity in vivo, and actively develop anti-cancer ability in the body. This includes conditioning of mental factors, nutritional and healthy diets, and lifestyle changes, etc.

2) Androgen-dependent tumor

The prostate is an androgen-sensitive organ, so its growth and functional maintenance require proper androgen in the blood. Testosterone is the main androgen in the blood circulation, which is converted to more physiologically active (DHT) by the 5a-reductase in the prostate. (DHT) is the main androgen for prostate growth. Under the influence of some pathogenic factors, if the prostate is blocked, the accumulation of DHT in the prostate can promote the enlargement of the prostate, causing benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer.

At present, there are a large number of clinical studies in the world that prove (1) patients with prostate cancer are at low androgen levels; (2) when blood testosterone (normally 15nmol/L) or free testosterone index (normally 4.0) is lower than normal level, the incidence of prostate cancer may increase. Low androgen levels in patients with prostate cancer often suggest a poor clinical outcome.

Prostate cancer patients are at low androgen level. The decrease of free testosterone level may lead to the increase of 5a-reductase activity and increase the conversion rate of testosterone to (DHT), thus increasing the risk of metastatic prostate cancer.

Therefore, patients with prostate cancer may be at low testosterone levels and high (DHT) levels. The main evidence in this regard is that (1) patients with familial hereditary 5a-reductase deficiency never develop BPH and prostate cancer; (2) Asian Americans with low risk of prostate cancer have higher serum testosterone levels than European Americans with high risk of prostate cancer; (3) Prostate cancer generally occurs in older people, and as the age increases, the level of androgen in the body decreases, and the incidence of prostate cancer will continue to rise.

Currently, for the clinical treatment of metastatic prostate cancer, the traditional method is to use anti-androgen endocrine therapy, and the most commonly used drugs cause the blood testosterone to a very low level very quickly with such common side effects as sexual dysfunction, osteoporosis, liver function damage, anemia, depression and so on. In the early stage, hormone-dependent prostate cancer (HDPC) can achieve the goal of reducing tumors and decreasing blood PSA through endocrine therapy. However, after 1 to 2 years of treatment, it gradually evolves into hormone-independent prostate cancer (HIPC), which leads to the patient's death from extensive metastasis of cancer cells.

Anti-androgen therapy makes patients’ androgen at a lower level, and causes anemia, nutrient deficiencies, mental depression, decreased immunity, osteoporosis prone to fractures and many other side effects, and ultimately leads to death from extensive metastasis of cancer cells. Therefore, we oppose the use of longer-term anti-androgen endocrine therapy.

On the basis of maintaining normal levels of blood testosterone (normally 15 nmol/L), we recommend that patients use a 5a-reductase inhibitor for longer periods of time to reduce (DHT) levels in the prostate and metastatic lesions, make the growth of cancer cells lack nutrients, which can achieve the goal of inhibit and shrink tumors and reduce blood PSA. Long-term use of chemically synthesized 5a-reductase inhibitors also has many side effects. We recommend that patients use herbal extract 5a-reductase inhibitors of natural origin without any side effects even after the long-time use.

3) Tumor microenvironment - "seeds and soil"

As early as more than 100 years ago, the famous pathologist Stephen Paget proposed the concept of "seed (cancer cells) and soil (internal environment)" for the occurrence and metastasis of tumors. It has not received enough attention from the medical community, and its treatment thinking has only confined to the tumor cells themselves, causing humans' treatment roads towards tumors extremely difficult. Until recently, oncologists began to realize that tumors and the internal environment are an inseparable whole. The tumor microenvironment is the internal environment in which tumor cells are produced and lived, including not only the tumor cells themselves, but also various cells such as fibroblasts, immune and inflammatory cells, glial cells, etc.. At the same time, it also includes the interstitial cells, microvessels, and biomolecules infiltrated therein in the nearby areas.

The internal environment of the human body is mainly composed of micro-ecological balance, nutrient metabolism balance and immune balance. For cancer patients, these three balances are all unbalanced.

There are many differences between the physical and chemical properties of the tumor microenvironment and the normal internal environment of the human body. The most obvious features are hypoxia, low PH, and high interstitial pressure. (1) Hypoxic environment: There are hypoxic states in many malignant tumor tissues, and necrosis often occurs in hypoxic regions, in which tumor spread and metastasis are more likely to occur. (2) Low PH environment: The low PH of the tumor microenvironment is on the one hand, in the case of hypoxia and a large amount of glucose decomposition, glycolysis produces a large amount of lactic acid and causes a decrease in PH. On the other hand, there are many kinds of ion exchangers on the membrane system of tumor cells, which play an important role in establishing the acidic environment of the tumor microenvironment. (3) High-pressure environment: Due to the lack of functional lymphatic system in tumor tissue, tumor vascular dysplasia leads to hypertonic vascularization, which eventually leads to tumor interstitial high-pressure.

It is precisely because of these characteristics that there are a large number of immunoinflammatory reactions produced by growth factors, cell chemokines and various proteolytic enzymes in the tumor microenvironment. This property is very conducive to tumor proliferation, invasion and adhesion, angiogenesis, and anti-radiotherapy and anti-chemotherapy, promote the occurrence of malignant tumor metastasis. Such physical and chemical characteristics as hypoxia, low PH and high pressure, they are not compatible with the normal environment, but tumor cells can adapt well through various biological adjustments, and this adaptation of tumor cells often leads to a vicious circle.

According to the theory of tumor microenvironment, we design a new idea for treating tumors:

The tumor microenvironment is a complex system, and we need to understand the effects of the entire microenvironment on the occurrence, development, and metastasis of tumors. In terms of treatment design, we can first take natural herbal medicines therapy to restore the internal environment balance of the human body, correct the tumor microenvironment of hypoxia, low pH and high pressure, and cut off the connection between the tumor microenvironment and tumor cells. In addition, we should design multi-site and multi-target herbal treatment medicines, not only to consider the tumor cells as "seeds", but also to consider the tumor microenvironment as "soil", through which it is possible to obtain the better therapeutic effects and lower the toxic side effects.

4) Relationships between chronic inflammation and tumor

Inflammation is a defense response of the body to bad stimuli. Chronic inflammation refers to the inflammation process lasting more than 3 months.

Any factor that causes tissue damage can be the cause of inflammation, that is, the inflammatory agent. Depending on the different inflammatory factors, inflammation can be divided into infectious inflammation and non-infectious inflammation. Infectious inflammation is caused by a variety of biological pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, chlamydia, mycoplasma, fungi, spirochetes, and parasites. While the non-infectious inflammation is mainly caused by physical factors, chemical factors, and immune responses.

In recent years, more and more research evidence indicates that tumor occurrence and metastasis have a very close relationship with chronic inflammation. From a certain perspective, cancer is also a chronic inflammatory disease. The traditional immunology believes that immune cells help the body fight harmful invaders and thus exert effective anti-tumor functions. However, in the actual development of tumors, some immune cells often change from the "protector" of the internal environment to the "accomplice" of tumor cells, promoting and nourishing the development of tumors. When tumors become malignant, many inflammatory immune cells are released into the tumor microenvironment for participation and regulation, in which macrophages, neutrophils, mast cells and so on play an important role. They release chemical chemotactic factors, vascular growth factors and matrix degrading enzymes, which are beneficial to tumor growth, invasion and metastasis. In addition, these immune cells continue to produce peroxynitrite, a cell DNA damaging agent that is highly susceptible to genetic mutations, activates cellular oncogene, and continuously produces new cancer cells.

For the relationship between infectious inflammation and cancer, it is just like that of hepatitis virus and liver cancer, EB virus and nasopharyngeal cancer, HPV and cervical cancer, Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer, Streptococcus Bovis and rectal cancer, and the like. For the relationship between non-infectious inflammation and cancer, it is just like ulcerative colitis of immune diseases leading to colon cancer, long-term smoking to respiratory inflammation and tumor, long-term drinking to digestive tract inflammation and tumor, and so on. There are also relationships between many undiscovered inflammations and cancer. For example, the recent research suggests that Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) are closely related to the development and metastasis of breast cancer.

Even more studies have shown that patients with extended-range cancer surgery, overdose of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, will produce inflammation at the more parts of the body, and are more likely to have metastatic cancer occurred at multiple parts.

We have also found in clinical treatment that all prostate cancer patients have had inflammation in the prostatic fluid, and the degree of inflammation is proportional to the extent of the tumor. And in patients who have undergone prostate biopsy, the degree of inflammation in the prostatic fluid is also significant.

In addition, inflammation can also affect the treatment of tumors and the prognosis, recurrence and metastasis of tumors. Therefore, for the cancer treatment program, it needs to consider the inflammation and immune factors of human body. If the relationship between various tumors and inflammation can be clarified, anti-inflammatory drugs are often used which can completely prevent and control the development and metastasis of tumors. However, long-term use of chemically synthesized anti-inflammatory drugs such as adreno cortico hormones and antibiotics can cause many side effects and is detrimental to tumor control. Patients are recommended to use natural anti-inflammatory herbal extracts.

Minimizing the Effects of Prostate Cancer

As a prostate cancer sufferer, there are some significant things you can do to minimize the effects of prostate cancer until you are able to come to our 3D clinic for successful treatment and cure.

1) Keep your body healthy, physically and psychologically. Exercise daily and actively plan your life so that as you reach each goal in your plan, your psychological state prospers and grows. The opposite of this is depression, which will most certainly compound greatly the stressors prostate cancer is putting you under.

2) Endeavour to have one healthy long-term partner in life. Avoiding unhealthy sexual practices, and the risks associated with frequent partner changes and unprotected sex. Keep a high standard of hygiene in relation to bodily fluids from sexual organs and anal areas.

3) Avoid unhealthy factors that can lead to prostate cancer including smoking, high fat diet, obesity, sitting for a long time, holding back urine, and promiscuous sexual behaviour, and so on.

4) Try not to drink and espresso, eat less chili, ginger and other spicy and stimulant foods in order to avoid repeated prostate and bladder neck congestion and the increasing feeling of local swelling pain.

5) Always be extra careful to maintain warm. During the cold periods, ensure you are well-dressed and in a warm and dry environment.

6) Drinking more water: drinking more water can effectively dilute the concentration of urine and reduce the adverse stimulation towards the prostate. Drinking water should be 1500-2000 ml per day. but try to drink a large amount of water in the early morning until noon, while drinking less water or no drinking before going to bed for a rest to avoid frequent urination at night that can increase the burden on the prostate.

7) Eat wholesome food loaded with the elements that your prostate needs, like the more intake of bean foods, carrots at least for 3 times every week, 1-2 apples per day, and 1 portion of cooked tomato foods every day, etc.

Prostate Cancer Diet

Nutritional Recommendations

The two diets known to be associated with longevity and reduced risks for prostate cancer are the traditional Japanese diet and a Southern Mediterranean diet. The Japanese diet is high in green tea, soy, vegetables, and fish, as well as low in calories and fat. The Mediterranean diet is high is fresh fruits and vegetables, garlic, tomatoes, red wine, olive oil, and fish. Both are low in red meat.

Specifically, you should incorporate these principles when reevaluating your daily diet:

1) Reduce animal fat in your diet. Studies show that excess fat, primarily red meat and high-fat dairy, stimulates prostate cancer to grow.

2) Avoid trans fatty acids, which are known to promote cancer growth. These are high in margarines, and fried and baked foods.

3) Increase your fresh fish intake, which is high in the very beneficial alpha omega-3 fatty acids. Ideally eat cold-water fish such as salmon, sardines, mackerel, and trout, at least two to three times a week. The fish should be poached, baked, or grilled (not burned or charred). Avoid fried fish.

4) Significantly increase your fresh fruit, herb, and vegetable consumption daily. Powerful anticancer nutrients are being discovered regularly in colorful fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs, leafy green vegetables, nuts, berries, and seeds.

5) Avoid high-calcium diets, which have been shown to stimulate prostate cancer growth.

6) Take a multivitamin with B complex and folic acid daily.

7) Avoid high-dose zinc supplements.

8) Increase your natural vitamin C consumption -- this includes citrus, berries, spinach, cantaloupe, sweet peppers, and mango.

9) Drink green tea several times each week.

10) Avoid excess preserved, pickled, or salted foods.

11) Eat red grapes, drink red grape juice regularly.

12) Eat leafy dark-green vegetables frequently.

13) Cruciferous vegetables are cancer protective. These include cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower.

14) Tomatoes and especially tomato products are very high in lycopene, a powerful anticancer substance. This includes pizza sauce, tomato paste, and ketchup.

15) Avoid flax seed oil. This can stimulate prostate cancer to grow. You can obtain the very healthy alpha omega-3 fatty acids you need through fresh fish and nuts.

16) Use olive oil, which is very healthy and rich in vitamin E and antioxidants. Avocado oil is also good. Avoid oils high in polyunsaturated fats such as corn, canola, or soybean.

17) Take vitamin E, 50 to 100 IU of gamma and d-alpha, only with the approval of your doctor. Natural sources include nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocado oil, wheat germ, peas, and nonfat milk.

18) Selenium is a very powerful antioxidant and the backbone molecule of your body's immune system. Most studies support a daily selenium supplement of 200 micrograms a day. Natural sources include Brazil nuts, fresh fish, grains, mushrooms, wheat germ, bran, whole-wheat bread, oats, and brown rice.


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