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Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS)

What Is Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS)?

Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) is a condition involving ongoing pain in the pelvic region. Pain experienced can vary from person to person, ranging in severity (mild or severe), type (dull or sharp), and longevity (constant or intermittent). CPPS-related pain can spread to the buttocks, lower back, and thighs.

The Causes Of Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS)?

CPPS is not always the result of a single factor but rather a combo of multiple factors acting simultaneously.

Potential triggers include:

1) Pelvic floor dysfunction: the pelvic floor is a group of muscles that form a basket to support your pelvic organs. However, when your pelvic floor muscles stop working the way they should, a condition called pelvic floor dysfunction ensues. This condition causes your pelvic muscles to tighten or weaken. When the muscles tighten or spasm, you will have difficulty peeing or passing stool along with chronic pelvic pain. When they weaken, you may experience trouble controlling your urine and stool.

2) Stress: some men are more prone to stress and have a harder time relaxing than others. Thus, under stressful situations, these men unknowingly tense their pelvic muscles, leading to trigger points and sore, painful muscles. These clenched pelvic muscles further perpetuate stress, driving a never-ending vicious cycle of pain and stress.

3) Hormone Imbalance: sometimes, CPPS may be the result of hormonal imbalances, particularly an imbalance in the stress hormone and the network that regulates its release.

4) Trapped Nerve: CPPS can also stem from compression of a nerve known as the pudendal nerve. In men, this nerve supplies the skin of your scrotum, the perineum (the skin of the area behind the scrotum), and your penis. Sitting pain that gets better after standing or sitting on a toilet seat indicates CPPS due to a trapped nerve.

5) Prostatitis: prostatitis is an inflammation of your prostate gland. We often use the terms “chronic prostatitis” and CPPS interchangeably. Moreover, unlike bacterial prostatitis, CPPS is not caused by any identifiable bug and hence may not always respond to antibiotics.

6) Neural Cross-talk: research shows that there’s a two-way crosstalk between your bladder and bowels. This means that the two systems communicate with each other. If something irritates your bowels, it can also sensitize the nerves feeding your pelvic organs and vice versa.

7) Bladder Pain: sometimes, the source of CPPS could be a painful bladder syndrome, also called interstitial cystitis. This condition affects the lining of your bladder, causing chronic pelvic and bladder pain. It also causes you to urinate more often and with smaller amounts of urine than usual.

8) Autoimmunity:at times, your own immune system may go haywire and start attacking your prostate, leading to chronic pelvic pain.

Symptoms of Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS)?

There are many symptoms related to CPPS, including:

1) Abdominal Pain

2) Frequent Urination

3) Genital Pain

4) Lower Back Pain

5) Pain During or After Sex

6) Pain while Sitting

How Is Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS) Diagnosed?

There are no definitive diagnostic tests for CPPS. It is a poorly understood disorder. CPPS may be inflammatory or non-inflammatory, based on levels of pus cells in expressed prostatic secretions (EPS). In the inflammatory form, urine, semen, and other fluids from the prostate contain pus cells (dead white blood cells or WBCs), whereas in the non-inflammatory form no pus cells are present.

Extraprostatic abdominal/pelvic tenderness is present in >50% of patients with chronic pelvic pain syndrome.

Men with CPPS are more likely than the general population to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS),and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Experimental tests that could be useful in the future include tests to measure semen and prostate fluid cytokine levels. Various studies have shown increases in markers for inflammation such as elevated levels of cytokines,myeloperoxidase,and chemokines.

Routine Treatments of Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS)

Some of the commonly used therapies for CPPS include:

Pelvic Floor Therapy

Pelvic floor therapy focuses on methods to release overly tense pelvic floor muscles. It entails pelvic floor physical therapy and trigger point injections. This protocol helps loosen the tightened pelvic floor muscles.


Some problems associated with CPPS can be improved with either prescription or over-the-counter medications. Examples include:

1) antibiotics to treat any underlying infection

2) painkillers to help relieve pain and inflammation

3) medications to relax your prostate and the bladder neck muscle, to improve urinary flow and minimize urinary obstruction.

Dietary changes

While none of the food products cause actual physical damage to your pelvic cavity, it’s best to avoid excessive use of certain substances that may irritate your gland. These include:

1) tobacco (cigarette smoking), alcohol.

2) tea, caffeine (coffee).

3) spicy foods.

3D Targeted Therapy Successfully Treat Various Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

3D Targeted Therapy is an advanced method to successfully treat various chronic pelvic pain syndrome without any side effects. Most therapeutic medicines are natural targeted extracts with no side effects and no drug resistance. Natural targeted extracts can target specific diseased areas and allow effective ingredients to accumulate in the targeted diseased areas and form a higher therapeutic concentration. 3D Targeted Therapy treats the root factors of chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Once cured, the patient’s disease will not easily relapse.

3D Targeted Therapy medicines include a powerful anti-inflammatory natural targeted extracts formula combined with a proprietary unblocking formula.
Particularly complex conditions need to be combined with other drugs.

The powerful anti-inflammatory natural targeted extracts formula combined with a proprietary unblocking formula can destroy the pathogens and inflammatory factors, discharge toxic compounds, and successfully treats various chronic pelvic pain syndrome. The natural targeted extracts have no side effects and no drug resistance.

The 3D anti-inflammatory natural targeted extracts are composed of dozens of natural herbs, using modern biotechnology to extract effective targeted anti-inflammatory ingredients.These targeted anti-inflammatory bioactive ingredients can down-regulate and inactivate more than ten key inflammatory biomarkers (targets) in various signaling pathways of inflammation, alter the dysregulated inflammatory mediators. A large number of clinical studies have shown that the 3D anti-inflammatory natural targeted extracts can directly inhibit and kill various pathogens including bacteria, bacterial biofilm, virus, chlamydia, mycoplasma, fungus, and parasites, etc, multi-site and multi-target interactions correct inflammatory mediators that are disordered, and effectively prevent and treat various chronic inflammatory diseases. In addition, these anti-inflammatory natural targeted extracts also have many important functions, such as anti-oxidation, destroy bacterial biofilm and toxic compounds, improve gastrointestinal tract and digestive function, enhance immunity, etc.

3D Targeted Treatment methods are topical therapy combined with systemic therapy. Topical therapy include local injection therapy, and rectal administration therapy, systemic therapy includes oral administration therapy, and intravenous drip therapy . Local injection therapy needs to come to the 3D Urology Clinic. Generally speaking, oral administration therapy requires the longest treatment time, but it is also the most convenient and cheapest option. The local injection therapy in the 3D Urology Clinic requires the shortest treatment time, but it is also the most inconvenient and most expensive option. Currently we recommend the most cost-effective option is self-managed oral administration therapy combined with rectal administration therapy. The treatment course and method of 3D Targeted Therapy will be based on your condition and doctor’s treatment plan.


3D Targeted Therapy is divided into two modes: 3D Targeted Therapy at the clinic, and 3D Targeted Therapy at home. Currently we can only provide 3D Targeted Therapy in the patient's home under the guidance of a 3D treatment doctor. The main treatment method of 3D Targeted Therapy at home is self-managed oral administration therapy combined with rectal administration therapy.

3D Targeted Therapy is suitable for various chronic pelvic pain syndrome. The cure rate of 3D Targeted Treatment is over 95% while the cure rate of traditional treatments is lower than 20%.

The treatment course and methods will be based on your condition and doctor’s treatment plan. The course of treatment of natural targeted extracts for oral and perfusion is generally 3 months.

Our clinic's recommended plan for self-managed 3D chronic pelvic pain syndrome targeted treatment at home include:

1) Oral the anti-inflammatory natural targeted extracts combined with a proprietary unblocking formula for 3 months.

2) Rectal infusion of the anti-inflammatory natural targeted extracts combined with a proprietary unblocking formula for 1-3 month.

3D Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome Targeted Treatment Program At Home

Currently we can only provide 3D Targeted Therapy in the patient's home under the guidance of a 3D treatment doctor. The 3D Targeted Treatment at home program is as follows:

1) First, the patient needs to fill out the following medical history questionnaire. Please answer the questionnaire questions as best as possible and sent it via email to prostatecure3d@gmail.com  ,and all your information will remain confidential.


2) When we receive your completed questionnaire, our doctor will study your condition and make a treatment plan. We will send you the treatment plan provided by our clinic, medical services modes and prices options, and other informations that can help you.

3)  Please confirm your treatment plan, medical service mode and price option with our clinic, and start paying the necessary medical expenses.

4) Our 3D treatment doctor is responsible for your 3D targeted treatment at home for the entire course of treatment. This includes doctor consultation; medical history investigation; arranging laboratory test items; assessing your condition; making treatment plans and methods; formulating a natural targeted extracts formula suitable for your condition; and providing therapeutic medicines including a powerful natural targeted extracts formula combined with a proprietary unblocking formula. In addition, our practicing physician and translators will provide you with consulting services and online guidance at any time, manage your treatment plan throughout the process, and regularly evaluate your condition and treatment effects.

Contact Us

Tel: + 86-186-73216429

WhatsApp: +86-186-73216429

E-mail: prostatecure3d@gmail.com

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